Saturday, April 19, 2008

7017 Aetna Court

The first house that I lived in while on this planet was 7017 Aetna Court. I compiled images of this home from Google's street view in photoshop. It was interesting to spend so much time with images of that place from the more recent future and superimpose the memories of that location. It was very striking to me that I recalled the texture of the grass, the angles of the concrete blocks, the way the clouds filled the sky and the way the light illuminated certain areas in a manner that is still very vivid.(it is all still very vivid) What is interesting is that this dwelling looks very different than when I occupied it. The color is different, there is a new fence, the driveway is paved differently, there is a porch in the front, where there was a room before and the trees are much larger.

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Blogger rarrin' said...

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4/22/2008 11:25:00 AM  
Blogger rarrin' said...

Also, I do not remember the big pool in the backyard. I remember an old metal swing set (which I loved), a dirtbike track, a dead bunny (thanks to Ernie), and grandpa drinking a six pack on the deck (he let me have a sip!). Never a big pool.

4/22/2008 11:28:00 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Ron and I have been looking at houses in that area and as we drove past I didn't recognize the house with all of the changes-especially the porch where the front room used to be!

5/09/2008 07:43:00 AM  

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