Goleta Home

Today was a rather perfect way to welcome us to our new Goleta Home. After Christine took her test in LA, which went well we traveled up to SB/Goleta. Ok, side note... In LA I spent the AM getting my drivers liscence (I am now CA) and I was witness to, a rolling blackout and a fire hydrantthat had a car driven over it! Ok, back on track. We drove up the coast, Highway 1 again and it was gorgeous. We got here, moved in our stuff and the following day we emptied our storage unit. Then it was time to replace everyhing that I had gotten rid of in Boston a year ago. We began to find some free stuff and bought some other stuff. We are now in the process of selling free stuff in order to pay for stuff we bought. It probably won't work out even, but it is close. I now am the proud owner of 2 bikes! A mountain bike (which I bought) and a beach cruiser (which I found in the garbage).
Today, after stepping outside, I found a sword stuck in a tree and then I looked up in the sky and that was when things got strange. The sun was this really strange orange, don't get me wrong I love orange, but this was wierd. So I thought, ah maybe it is overcast or something. An hour later when we got out of the car on our way to the farmers market (I love being able to purchase all mater of peppers!) I noticed the ash floating around everywhere, "ah, forest fire". Well with that mystery explained, here are some pics. (Props to Christine for some good shots. I was busy setting up my studio).

The other interesting adventure that craigslist brought our way was an estate sale. Now I have been to many "estate sales" where only a pile of junk is on sale, that was not the case here, everything was on sale and it was great stuff. Problem was I neglected to bring $5500 for the antique Castilian Chairs or $300 for the japanesse drum. It was a great adventure and we got some fabulous plants for dirt cheap (pun intended). Here they are on the porch.

Finally, the style has been selected and it is all about minimalism; simplicity of form, color and lack of clutter. It is so amazing to have storage. While this is not yet complete, we are on our way. Here are some shots, I am especially fond of the bamboo rug in the bathroom.
The studio

Note the wall of masks in the living room and how every piece of wood is painted brown. It is actually growing on me.

Here are some shots of the sumset in Arizona on our last night there. The imagery sums up how spectacular this unanticipated sidetrip was. We enjoyed AZ to the fullest; good people, sun, relaxation and studying.

I really was on to something with LovelyWeather.