It has been a nice summer in Chicago. Enjoying Curtis Road's microsound Christine has been doing some interesting research and it has been fun to discuss the particulars of representing the process of cognition. I have been performing experiments in live performance of granular synthesis. They are coming along, but are not entirely what I have in mind yet. It is worth noting that they do represent a patient and monolithic aesthetic which I am pursuing. I simply have been enjoying listening to slowly evolving sounds. Practically, these are also experiments for a piece for trombone and electronics which Mark Broschinsky has commissioned.
........ :::::: JR's house late at night :::::: .........
Here are some sounds.....
GrainBot (12;30") - A deliberately linear experiment in granular synthesis, this is the result of nine streams of grains where the amplitude of frequencies is derived from an FFT of a trombone playing B2. Essentially this takes linear information and presents it horizontally in an improvisational manner. Created 7/07
MIXImix (7'50") - This subtle and dripping improvisation combines granular synthesis and a prerecorded sample (from Alaska). The granular synthesis employs amplitude information that is derived from the sample, which is presented with. MIXI refers to the midi mixing consul that controls the MAX patch. Created 8/07
GrainPerf1.2 (26'06") - This slowly evolving soundscape is the result of a MAX patch that is designed for live performance. This performance combines samples and granular synthesis, similar to MIXImix, in a novel fashion. Created 8/07
GrainSTALL1 (19'24") - A contrast of subtly shifting resonance and frenetic events. This experiment in granulation combines two sounds files that are cycled are recycled, entering into the evolution of sounds through the granular stretching of the samples. The effect is literally that of stalling the passing of time. Created 8/07
I suppose this last one has everything to do with my having spent a lot of time listening to Tuvan Throat Singing.
These audio excerpts are probably best downloaded and experienced while wandering around on outside a sunny day.
Do you know the long now ?
There have also been some video experiments, while these are very subtle and not nearly as refined as the audio, it may interesting to see something that is a component of a larger work. Here is some video...