4UbyU from 4
Now available in the flash audio player (on the right and down a little ways!) is a recording of 4UbyU. This recording is from 4 : a concert. The cat calls at the beginning are for Joaquin Grey's Blue Bass. Sorry no pic. So here is another random pic. 
A sunset on the beach in Goleta.
4 success
The concert came together wonderfully. While not knowing all the pieces beforehand the program order was really quite perfect. Much to my surprise, 40 programs was not nearly enough. There were probably a good 60+ people and there was a general feeling of excitement in the air. My piece 4UbyU was played spectacularly and the performers really enjoyed doing it. I can't wait to get the recording. The program...

The orchestra reading was a nice opportunity and as I expected, it was not nearly worth the amount of work that goes into an orchestra piece. This is not the fault of the director, who has made it a priority to read student works or of the orchestra, who actually rather impressed me with their ability to assimilate and cohesively perform in a matter of moments! Rather, as a composer you spend weeks writing then 3 eight hour days preparing parts and then.... 15 minutes and you were either right or wrong and then it all gets put away in the closet. I am rather pessimistic about the whole thing, but at least with an electronic composition the end result is perfect (or as perfect as one can make it) and with a chamber piece, you get more rehearsal. None the less, it was enjoyable and I did learn a lot.
A picture from last weekends hike in the Los Padres National Forest.

2.25.08 = 4 :: a concert

On Monday I have organized the 4th in a series of concerts of UCSB student composers concert. This one is the first that is being required listening for all composers at UCSB, which seems to imply a sanctioned event. It is nice to have the support of the department.
This will be the premier of my new string piece 4UbyU. It is also the day of orchestral readings so I will have my orchestra piece on one pitch (g) read, should be a good day.
An Ocean of Cliche

My childhood friend and leader of the Disgruntled Arborists Commune, Mr. Mark Charles Becker pointed out in his wise and unassuming manner that what makes stereotypes so amusing is that they are often accurate, while they still have their problems in communicating the depth of realty. I find myself in Monterey CA today staring out of a window as 15-20 foot waves break just off the coast before my eyes. There are seals bobbing in the surf and the sun beginning to color the clouds that hang on the horizon. With my fresh French Press of coffee and a roaring fire in the fireplace, this is an rather idyllic and cliche Pacific coast moment. Monterey and Carmel are known for these types of moments. The funny thing is that as a composer I work with these sorts of sentimental cliches (not to imply that is the only thing that is present in music!) and I rather hate that aspect of music. Of course this part of the impetus for becoming a composer, so as to redefine what great music is.
This all comes on the heals of being asked last evening at a dinner event what it is that I do. I answered that I am interested in he cognitive apparatus of perception and try and find means of exploring this area of human existence though sound. The follow up question was, "what genera of music do you compose?" Racing through my mind are the words, "what genera! It is sounds what more do you need to know?" I have been thinking about this exchange and was very troubled by this persons and a great many that I consider him to be an exemplar of that seem to lack meaningful engagement with life. Of course, it makes a great deal of sense that he would like to know how to categorize my work and therefore what box to place my work in. That is human and therefore a very logical action, but why bother with such matters when there is the possibility for so much more?
And so, I find myself looking at waves, reflecting on the wisdom of man who has been taught by trees that indeed cliche holds it's own layer of interest, when one steps back, takes in the larger picture and finds the amusement and substantive material for contemplation in the oddest and most obvious of places, be it waves in the ocean or good ol' orchestra music.