Thursday, July 24, 2008

progress happens

In less than 2 weeks I will be in Montreal for the Orford Academy's Sound Art workshop. It is exciting to start getting ready for this. I have long been planning that I would make a new electronic piece this summer and write a viola piece. It seems they are both happening currently. I take this as a sign that I am finally relaxed from the school year and staying up until 3 am to make sound experiments is happening again! So it seems that progress is happening. On the downside my studio has turned into a very cluttered space, which makes it appear messy, which is probably not an overstatement, but it is so great to just dig in and MAKE. Here is a snipit (pun intended) of my new electronic piece based on paper sounds (so far atleast). It has long been a plan of mine to make a sound and video piece based on paper, maybe that will happen later. For now, simply some sounds.

And here is a good healthy dose of Midwestern Americana (brought to you by Mark Becker), I thought it best to record the speaker of my cell phone with a contact mic.

And to top that all off, the first album of Wladorf Statlir is done!!! The music is great, the artwork was a challenge, although in the end it worked out pretty well.


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