ready for the noise
This week saw rehearsal of the noise duo spread over two days. This time also was spent preparing for the show this coming Friday.

The sounds that we ended up with this week feel even more precise and closer to what we are after. If we are able to create this in concert it will be fabulous!
The feeling around these parts is a bit gloomier than usual as it is overcast for 1/2 of the day. I actually enjoy it, as it reminds me of Seattle, but it does not seem to sit well with the natives. Of course by 1:00 it is sunny and nice. Being that it is Sunday I had my folly of the week. Just as the sun came out and I was becoming relaxed I went outside and did a little cleaning of the car. As I was walking back from the car... I stepped on a bee and it stung me between my toes. It is really quite amazing, every Sunday a new reminder of my mortality. I hope this is amusing someone because it might as well be put to a good use.
crystal noise

A picture of a form that I created in Jitter, rather nice eh?
In NOISE news... This week saw the introduction of a new resonating bowl for the water to drop into. This bowl makes a different and possibly more enjoyable sound. After 7 hours of rehearsal el Nick and I are getting to that point where it seems to come rather naturally. The fun is just begining. LISTEN HERE
Sunday appears to be a bad day for me. This Sunday instead of dumping coffee on my computer I gave myself a 2nd degree burn from a frying pan by picking it up. Can you say, boy genius! (I say it all of the time) My dearest is convinced that the Universe is preparing me for a big test and helping me to be mindful and deliberate. I hope that I am not the only one receiving this support from the universe.
Now for the weird universe moment. I just went to find my audio file after converting it to mp3 and the folder that had been named NOISE is now named here. I did not change it, but it is different. I can only imagine what will happen when I wake up.

I have been told that computers do not enjoy coffee as much as I. Yesterday I inadvertently fed my computer 10 ounces of iced coffee with milk. Last night was spent taking the computer apart. Tonight I put it back together and it works! I was able to consult the technical wizard Yutaka Makino and that was of great help. It was also fun to have him point out that this was not such a good idea. The computer is now alive again and it has lost weight! There are approximately 10 extra screws. Maybe I can sell them on Ebay.
Now, back to work.
the art of fields

A long evening of conversation with Nathan meant that 9AM came just a bit to early on Friday. The rehearsal with el Nick began somewhere around 9 and lasted roughly 6 hours. With each track the sounds became increasingly compelling and our vision was realized more acutely. The vision being a field of sound where elements are extracted and amplified. A remixing of reality. The final session lasted 4o'11" and it is quite good.
The setup is a bit refined. el Nick uses a no input mixer while I process the sounds of water dripping into a pan. At times el Nick also uses the water sounds.