I remember seeing a moose on campus at the University of Alaska, in fact I took a picture of it and posted it here. Now there is a bear on campus here in in SB and the reaction is a little different. This is an email I received and above is the poster that was affixed to the stucco of my hut.
Behalf Of UCSB Announcement
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 3:48 PM
To: ucsb Announcement
Subject: Bear Spotted on Campus!
June 3, 2008
To: The Campus Community
Fr: Vice Chancellor Donna Carpenter
Re: Bear Spotted on Campus
As reported on KEYT News and in the Santa Barbara News Press, a bear has been spotted several times on campus the past four days. The bear is a California small, black bear weighing approximately 200 pounds. It has been spotted near the Santa Barbara Airport fence line along Mesa Road and near Harder Stadium.
UCSB Police officers and State Fish and Game agents are searching for the bear. If spotted, please do not approach the bear but call UCSB Police at 911.
Thank you.
Actually, it might be a good idea to keep children supervised even when there is no bear present.